Stay Interviews: 6 Questions to Ask Your Employees Regularly

Stay Interviews: 6 Questions to Ask Your Employees Regularly Employee Retention | Manager/Employee 1:1s | Stay Interviews Competitive pay, half-day Fridays, and snack-stocked break rooms are company perks that catch your eye as a potential new hire. They certainly entice you while interviewing and for the first few weeks on the job. But what’s left […]
The Most Crucial Part of Your 2023 Planning: Your People

It’s that time of the year! Year-end tasks like budgeting, end-of-year reporting, and strategic planning for the upcoming year are in full swing! As you work through your to-do list, it is important to keep Your People as a top priority when strategizing for 2023. The tight labor market, coupled with high inflation and economic […]
HR and Cybersecurity – Keep The Conversations Going

As Cybersecurity Awareness Month comes to an end, that doesn’t mean the conversation has to. Cybersecurity should remain an ongoing conversation for all people leaders, especially for those in the growing digital working world. Not only do cyberattacks pose a risk to your people, but they also pose an enormous risk to your business and […]
Attract the “Fitting” Talent: Crafting Effective Job Descriptions for 2023

News flash! Lengthy, boring job descriptions are OUT, and persona-fit job descriptions are IN. When done right, job descriptions do more than just communicate an opening at your company, they give a glimpse into the culture, and the value proposition and they can ultimately help you attract the right person for the job. Oftentimes we are quick to […]
From Conflict to Growth

At some point in your professional career, you will have to deal with conflict. Have you heard the saying “There are no difficult conversations, just uncomfortable ones?” No matter if you chalk them up as difficult or uncomfortable, most of us try to avoid conflict, especially with coworkers we have to face, day in and […]
Employee Retention is Key for Business Success

Retention is huge for the growth and success of a company. Improved employee relations, an increase in collaboration, and higher profits are all long-term benefits of retention. Not to mention, you save money on turnover costs. Did you know the cost of turnover is about 33% of your employee’s salary? In today’s talent market that number could […]
Win The War On Talent With Your Employer Brand!

Win the War on Talent What is an employer brand? How can you use it to win the war on talent? An employer’s brand is the way you share your entire employee experience internally and externally. This includes your reputation as a whole and relates to your employment value proposition (EVP). If you want to […]
Avoiding HR Nightmares: Train Your Supervisors

Avoiding HR Nightmares Budget season is upon us. I’d like to encourage my fellow business owners to add training dollars for supervisors into next year’s budget to avoid HR nightmares. Here’s why. Consider that supervisors are the face of your company to employees. They represent the brand, the CEO, the broader leadership team and the […]
Painting the RIGHT Resume Picture

Resume tips Lisa Leath is the proud owner of Leath HR Group, a company based out of Wilmington, NC that serves clients across the country. Lisa has been the in field of Human Resources since March of 2008, and has worked with companies such as Corning Incorporated and Alcami prior to branching off and creating her […]
Make an HR Operations Plan for 2019

After performance reviews are wrapped up, merit increases are realized, and budget season is over, the new year is upon us! Your team enjoyed the bonuses and the holiday party, but are you planning for your people in 2019? The labor market remains tight going into the new year, so a key strategy in your […]